Client Reports

All client reports are designed to be read and understood immediately. To accomplish this goal, we write our reports in English rather than shorthand codes. This process also allows our reports to be more descriptive and much easier to read.

Status Report: This report provides our clients with the most recent activity on every open claim in our system. Each debtor is listed in alphabetical order, along with your file number, the last activity date and the results of the last activity.

Collection Analysis: This report is provided upon request to all clients. This report evaluates the current status of every penny that you submit to Executive Credit Management, Inc. over the past 3 years and breaks the information down by time period and category. This report will tell you exactly how much we have collected in full, in settlements, or in part payments. It will also tell you how much was closed as insolvent, cannot locate or other common problems. This report is the perfect tool to evaluate our performance.

Claim Acknowledgment: This report provides our clients with an alphabetical listing of claim acquisitions, complete with client file numbers and dollar amounts. This report is provided with each batch of submissions.

Audit Report: This is available on demand. It produces a comprehensive listing of all collections sent to us in the last seven years. The contents of this report may be modified to the client’s needs and may include any time period.

Special Reports: These are available upon request. We are capable of producing reports based on any of the information in our extensive data base. Fixed Fee versus Contingent Collections