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Applications That Don’t Work

What follows are three common types of bad applications. If any of them remind you of your application you can dramatically improve your bottom line by making a few changes. The problem with any of these bad Applications is that they don’t do what a credit application should do. They don’t get us Information about […]

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Collection Agency Rules May Soon Become Yours

First, you need to start evaluating your in house collection program. Second, you need to make sure your Collection Agency is compliant. Here is a general list of the proposed changes: Collection Agencies will be required to have information that demonstrates they are contacting the correct person about your debt. This would include information provided […]

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Applications That Don’t Work

​If you work very hard on improving your liabilities you wind up with slightly improved liabilities. That isn’t much help, is it? Yoko’s idea of a salad makes me sick. If she works hard to make me happy she might add a few pieces of choice garbage to her pile of chewed on weeds, twigs […]

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When Choosing a Debt Collector an Ounce of Prevention Is Recommended

​The link below is a worst case scenario. This particular collection agency created fake debt. Various government watchdogs have closed down the rouge collection agency and confiscated all assets. At the very least you never want to have anything to do with a collection agency that breaks the law. At most, you don’t want your […]

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Lessons from my Dog

​Yoko, my Seeing Eye dog, isn’t sophisticated. She learns because of what works and she wants to make me happy. Sometimes, however, I learn something from her that is very important for anybody trying to run a successful business, like her tendency to sniff everything. She doesn’t sniff occasionally or just some things, everything. Then, […]

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Lessons from My Dog

Yoko, my Seeing Eye dog, isn’t sophisticated. She learns because of what works and she wants to make me happy. Sometimes, however, I learn something from her that is very important for anybody trying to run a successful business, like her tendency to sniff everything. She doesn’t sniff occasionally or just some things, everything. Then, […]

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5 Things You Need To Know About Your Co-Signer Contract

Most Businesses will accept financially distressed customers provided a Guarantor or Co-Signer also signs the contract. This is extremely comforting but it doesn’t always work out well. The problem may be that the Contract is inadequate to insure payment. You need to get an agreement that the Guarantor will pay all debts regardless of the […]

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What makes a debtor pay a bill?

You are well aware that collecting past due bills isn’t easy. Here are a few ideas that will make it easier. L Capone once stated that you will get a better response with a gun and a nice word than with a nice word alone. While the temptation is certainly there to force a debtor […]